How well does a Dynabreeze Filtamat filter for my ducted AC work on PM2.5?

TLDR; Not very well

My ducting uses a Dynabreeze Filtamat I got from Bunnings for $31.50. I cannot find any mention of what its rating is so I thought I would try testing it myself.

Due to the lack of bad air around I ended up doing the rissole test, so as I cooked dinner I waited until the PM10 count was over 100 and then tested the filter along with the others.

To do the test I measured the PM behind the fan and in front of the filter.
Reading behind the fan

Reading in front of the fan

And the results are

Filter Efficiency
DYNABREEZE3.02%No Idea3.05%No Idea
MERV 1366.60%67.50%67.47%75%
MERV 1687.39%95%88.10%95%

The filter isn't doing my filter when it comes to small particles.


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