Does the DIY purifier capture small particles?


Source: What is a MERV?- Air filter rating explaination.

Based on the rating you might believe it cannot capture anything smaller than 0.3 microns. However don't be fooled, just because the rating system doesn't include them that doesn't mean the filter doesn't capture them.

SmartAir's post What is PM0.3 and Why Is It Important? is a good read for those interested. The crux is the standards use 0.3 microns because its the hardest to capture, smaller particles are actually easier.

The most interesting research I found is In-situ residential HVAC filtration efficiency for fine and ultrafine particles that tested down to 0.01 microns and found:

As you can see all tested filters removed small particles down to the test limit of 0.1 microns, and they were even better at it then in the 0.3-1 range.


Search Term: Research Merv Test


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